Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19th, Are you sick yet?

When I walked in at the end of this morning's feeding the nurse handed me discharge papers and said "I'm going to give you these to look over in case Kathryn goes home today."


She says Kathryn is a strong feeder and gained a lot of weight last night—almost half a pound—and is now weighing in above her birth weight. Doctor Anderson has been saying that he wants to see her feeding well and consistently before she gets discharged, so we'll see if one good night after three days of level to slight loss counts as "consistent." At any rate, we hope to be going home soon. She didn't say anything about Kathryn still being a good sleeper though, and I also noticed a little purple container of what amounts to sugar water. The description on the foil lid says "to help soothe screaming and distressed infants." Hmm. Maybe that's the real reason she wants to send us home.

So what happened to patient 0?

Kathryn tested okay for herpesvirus-5 last night, the contagious part of HCMV. We haven't spoken with the doctor this morning, so what follows is all inferred. Since they haven't put her into quarantine yet and haven't done the lumbar puncture, I'm guessing they're not going to. Perhaps it's possible that she caught HCMV after birth and that's why her brain doesn't look like it should if she had been infected in utero. If that's the case, my guess is that it makes a storage syndrome the only other active theory right now. Again, I'm not sure about any of this, so we'll have to wait and see what Kathryn's doctor says today.

And just like that the roller coaster rockets back up. Is your stomach a little queasy?

A lot of people have asked how they can help. Mostly what Kathryn needs is big screen TVs, vacation homes, and really fast cars. She's registered at Ferrari of Los Gatos. Just kidding. What she really needs is prayer for healing. Robyn has the more tangible needs, visitors and food, so I'm adding the care calendar link here. I know, ANOTHER website to follow. It's a pain, but it's a big help to us in organizing visitors and meals.

To volunteer for a meal or to schedule a visit click on and enter
the following information in the appropriate spaces:
CALENDAR ID : 103494

Originally posted to

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